Quality and environmental politics of CAMilleon Ldt. CAMilleon Ldt. uses a highly effective quality and environment-controlling system,
which guarantees the impeccable quality of our services, the satisfaction of our customers, the protection of the environment and the prevention of environmental pollution. Our goal is to continuously grow our market share and satisfy our customers by constantly updating our standards on professionalism, services and quality, as well as our technological and infrastructural background. This is and will be done according to the legislative framework currently in effect while putting the aim of environmentally sustainable operation forward. We always put our customers first.
Continuous development
We constantly develop the professional skills and the commitment to high quality and environmentally conscious behavior of our colleagues by regular trainings and courses. The employees of the company regard quality assurance as their highest priority, followed by environment-consciousness.
Exceptional quality
Everyone in the company complies with the regulations on quality and environment, thus satisfying our customers as well as keeping and increasing their satisfaction. By this we would like to assure that our company stays an active and competitive player on the tool manufacturing market in the long term. The leaders of the company take an active and committed role in the organization and implementation of the high-quality production.
Sustainable future
The company’s objective is to comply with the environmental regulations, thus meeting environmental and societal expectations. Our goal is to keep the level of environmental strain at a minimum. To ensure this, we monitor our processes that affect the environment continuously and constantly strives to lower the harmful effects. Leadership is committed to its quality and environmental politics and ensures that is it known and met by every member of the company, thus achieving business success and sustainable development.